Category: <span>Articles</span>

Periodontal Care and the Gateway to the Digestive System

Periodontal Care and the Gateway to the Digestive System

It should be obvious but we don’t always realize that our teeth, gums, and saliva represent the very first step of the digestive process. Thus, periodontal disease treatment in Beverly Hills, gastroenterology, and colorectal care are all closely related. Even so, the connections between periodontal health and issues involving the digestive tract have not gotten much attention until recently.

Oral Health and IBD

A 2024 Portuguese study discussed in Dentistry IQ shows a rather stunning relationship between periodontal issues and IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).


“The prevalence of periodontal disease was 55.3% and 69.4% among patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis [and]…a staggering 88.1% of patients with IBD needed dental treatment and 38.1% required prosthetic rehabilitation [dentures, bridges, or dental implants with crowns].”*

Another study in the United States found a relationship between lower numbers of beneficial bacteria found in patients’ stool samples in patients who had experienced periodontal problems. (Fans of the TV medical comedy series, Scrubs, might remember the song, “Everything Comes Down to Poo.” It really kind of does.)

Stress and the Gateway to the Digestive System

On a related point, we’ve all experienced how stress influences the lower digestive system – from nervous stomach rumbles and acid reflux to urgent needs to use the bathroom while under excessive stress. However, stress also influences our oral health.

We already know that stress-related teeth grinding can lead to multiple problems, including tooth wear and potential gum recession, if left unaddressed. We also know that stress and other issues might lead us to abuse drugs like alcohol, opioids, and (worst of all) crystal meth, which can devastate our oral health

But is there anything less obvious? Perhaps. A 2016 study pointed out the following:

“Chronic stress contributes to high allostatic load that can lead to the dysfunction of physiological systems critical to homeostasis, and thus, affect the underlying mechanisms of disease progression, more generally.”

Translated into English, this means that stress makes us more vulnerable to disease from head to toe in ways we don’t fully understand. It may be safe to assume that it also applies to periodontal disease. That might seem thin but medical science has proven that stress can impact our health in many ways, it’s just that we’re still only starting to learn the hows and whys. We can’t prove it yet but there may be connections between stress and the various bacteria – both harmful and beneficial – that inhabit the mouth.

Eating Right

While oral health specialists like our team here at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are constantly reminding the public about the importance of regular flossing and brushing with fluoride toothpaste, our choice of foods and drinks can be every bit as important to our oral health as it is to our systemic health.

So, what should you eat? You probably already have an idea of what we’re going to suggest, but the words of popular food guru Michael Pollen may provide the best summary. “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” Yes, veggies, legumes, and whole grains are good for your gums and teeth as well as your digestion and major organs like the heart and brain. Foods that are mostly plants tend to include the vitamins and minerals you’ve heard a lot about but also micronutrients that can help limit oxidation – the bodily process we are increasingly associating with pain and disease.

Meat proteins, eggs, and dairy can also play an important role. While we should all watch our consumption of red meat, in moderation lean cuts especially can be healthy and contain some vitamins that are hard to find in other foods. Poultry may be lower in fat while also providing lots of high-quality protein and other nutrients. Salmon and eggs are rich in calcium, vitamin D, and healthy omega-3 fats crucial for the health of bones, teeth, and gums. While too much dairy can be an issue, there is no denying it is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, crucial to the health of teeth and bones.

That is not to say that vegans should worry. They tend to have fewer issues with such matters as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, soy products, nuts, beans, and other plant-based foods, as well as supplements, can typically ensure complete nutrition for people who prefer not to eat animal products.

Most everyone knows that fast food, candy, chips, and other highly processed snacks aren’t great for us but they may not be the only foods we should try to keep to a minimum. Foods once seen as reasonably healthy, such as white rice and deli meats, have also been the subject of a great deal of scrutiny lately. Studies have shown that diets high in so-called ultra-processed foods are associated with earlier mortality.

Of course, no matter what you eat, brushing and flossing once to twice a day can be very beneficial. Just skipping this step can start a cascading series of health issues that won’t be limited to your mouth.


People expect advice to exercise from their family physicians or medical specialists but not so much from periodontists or dentists. However, the more we learn about the body, the more we realize that everything is connected and that exercise is essential.

Vigorous exercise counteracts the dangerous sedentary lifestyles most of us lead. If you are dealing with a weight issue, like so many of us, reducing your caloric intake will indeed help you lose pounds. However, you’ve likely learned the hard way that reducing your food intake is a lot easier said than done without assistance from surgery or newer drugs that should be used with great caution. Meanwhile, exercise is by far the best means we have of counteracting at least some of the effects of being overweight or obese. Moreover, sometimes it’s easier to start doing something challenging than to stop eating. In many ways, people with weight issues are programmed to overeat and metabolize food slowly. Sometimes, starting by trying to burn more calories is easier than dramatically cutting calories – though doing both is always best!

Exercise does more than improve muscle strength and the cardiovascular system, it also helps us to handle stress and has been proven to reduce or even prevent anxiety and depression. We’ve already explained how dangerous negative stress can be for our mouths and bodies, so reducing it through exercise can only help.

We know that the idea of starting to exercise for the first time in decades – or your entire life! – can be daunting. However, no matter your situation, you can always do something. First, talk to your doctor and develop an activity plan that will usually begin modestly and gradually increase. Soon, you should be feeling better and perhaps able to perform formerly difficult daily tasks with ease. You might even start to look better and feel more confident. Believe it or not, all of this is likely to also help any digestive issues you have and prevent or reduce oral health problems – if you brush at least twice daily, that is!

Extra Steps for People with Gum Disease

We are all used to hearing dentists and doctors arguing on behalf of regular visits but that especially applies to people with frequent gum problems. When we talk about periodontal maintenance, that includes visiting a periodontist and dentist three or four times per year.

Lost teeth, bad breath, and other seemingly cosmetic issues associated with periodontal illness are more than merely unpleasant symptoms, they can do enormous harm to our overall quality of life. By impacting our ability to be confident while working or socializing, these symptoms can also add to stress as well as illnesses like depression and anxiety – yet another way to start a vicious cycle of ever-worsening health. People with ongoing periodontal issues must take a proactive approach.

Start the Virtuous Cycle with Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

The time to start caring for your digestive and overall health from top to bottom is now. As you age, the risks only increase. Regular medical checkups are important for all of us but dental check-ins are no less essential If you are experiencing such telltale signs of gum disease as persistent bad breath (halitosis) and bleeding gums – even just a little bit of pinkness on your toothbrush, it is time to get your issues addressed immediately.

Dr. Peiman Soleymani and his team at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are here to provide the highest level of periodontal and restorative oral health care. If you are dealing with more advanced issues such as missing teeth and inflamed gums, rest assured that it is never too late to turn the tide.

Multiple or single dental implants can restore your smile while protecting your health with maximum convenience. Dr. Soleymani is a nationally respected leader in the field of periodontology and implantology. Especially if you live in the Greater Los Angeles and Beverly Hills area, he is your best choice when periodontal problems and lost teeth are an issue.

To get started, you can reach out by calling the phone number on your screen or using our contact page.

*Your patients’ poor oral health may be increasing their risk for IBD,” Sarah Butkovic. Dentistry IQ, June 12, 2024.

Periodontics and Stroke Prevention

Periodontics and Stroke Prevention

It’s increasingly well-established that periodontal problems may be closely related to issues like strokes, cancer, and heart attacks. So far, however, while we have many strong correlations, direct causal links are rare. Fortunately, we are getting closer to learning more of the truth. According to a new article in Dentistry iQ,* recent research has taken a closer look at the link between gum diseases and strokes in more detail.

What We Know Now About Oral Health, Lifestyle, and Strokes

Strokes can be deadly but many of us fear them most because they can be seriously debilitating, both physically and in terms of speech and mental sharpness. They are a very frequent cause of dementia, second only to Alzheimer’s disease. Fortunately, we’re learning more every day about how we all have the power to lower our risk.

Authorities like the World Stroke Organization (WSO) now estimate that 90 percent of strokes can be prevented with the right lifestyle changes. This means that poor oral health has joined smoking/tobacco use, obesity, poor diet, excess alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise as one of the harmful lifestyle factors that can help to end our life and/or make it less worth living. Oral hygiene is about much more than just a beautiful smile or avoiding toothaches.

The Oral Hygiene/Stroke Connection

Everyone has heard of strokes and has likely had relatives who have suffered one, but some are not certain when it comes to understanding what they are and how they work. Sometimes referred to as a brain attack, in contrast to a heart attack, a stroke occurs when our most important organ is not getting enough blood to properly function. This may occur due to a blockage from a blood clot lower in the body such as from an embolism, or the loss of blood that would ordinarily be destined to reach the brain, i.e., a major hemorrhage.

Finnish researcher and pathologist Olli Patrakka has looked at blood clots found in patients. He and his colleagues found a type of bacteria called viridans group streptococci (VGS). He writes as follows:

“These bacteria attach to the tooth’s surface in the mouth and initiate the process, leading to the formation of dental plaque. We hypothesize that a similar phenomenon occurs when bacteria that enter the bloodstream during, for example, dental procedures or dental infections travel into the walls of the arteries. This may accelerate the development of both strokes and atherosclerosis [hardening of the arteries]….”

Patrakka has suggested that the presence of the bacteria could be a large part of the reason for the strong correlation found between gum diseases.

“The results of my study suggest that the connection could be explicitly explained through the inflammatory reaction caused by dental bacteria in atherosclerotic plaques.”

What to Do?

Patients should now understand better that, along with other healthy lifestyle choices, one of the best favors we can do for ourselves is to brush and floss twice daily, see our dentist twice a year for examination and cleaning, and make an appointment the moment any dental symptoms appear. The health community, however, may also use this kind of data to develop new types of treatment and forms of prevention. Olli Petrakka has suggested that vaccines may later be used against the kind of bacteria involved with gum diseases. Other new therapies are also likely to arise as oral health exploration continues.

The Dentistry iQ article correctly points out that every lost tooth notably reduces life expectancy. Since periodontic problems can often cause lost teeth, and they in turn can cause both more periodontic disease as well as bone loss which, in turn leads to more lost teeth and periodontitis, it is important to both the length and quality of a person’s life to stop the vicious cycle.

This includes replacing missing teeth as quickly as possible and dental implants are the gold standard replacement. Traditional oral prosthetics are much better than nothing but they do not slow down bone loss and, according to some studies, may even accelerate it. Since implants are essentially the same as teeth, consisting of a synthetic tooth root covered by a prosthetic tooth (crown), they maintain the stimulation needed to maintain the flow of calcium into the jawbone.

The Chain of Prevention

Oral health collapse can happen in a kind of cascade of oral health disasters but we can interrupt the cascade at any point – though, the longer we wait, the more work will be required.

Think of it as a four-step process of prevention and intervention:

  1. We can prevent gum disease with good oral hygiene.
  2. If gingivitis or periodontitis appears, we can obtain the best possible periodontal disease treatmentearly to prevent a more severe case.
  3. If teeth nevertheless need to be extracted or are lost due to periodontal problems, tooth decay, and/or trauma, then we need to quickly replace the missing tooth/teeth, ideally with a multiple or single dental implant.
  4. Finally, once we have been effectively treated for gum problems and lost teeth, we can then be vigilant to head off any further problems by seeing a periodontist regularly, often alternating with regular dental visits.

Finding the Best Periodontal and Implant Care

If you realize that you may have gum disease, either because you’ve noticed symptoms such as bleeding gums, and persistent bad breath (halitosis), or because you’ve had a diagnosis, it’s important to find the best care you can. A referral from a trusted medical or dental source is usually a good place to start but it’s also good to look for the most respected oral health experts in your community.

If you happen to live near the Los Angeles Westside area, Dr. Peiman Soleymani and his team at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are the most respected resources for people who need periodontal care and oral implants. In many cases, of course, both types of care may be needed as dental implants often require some amount of periodontal care and oral surgery before dental implants can be added safely. Finally, for patients with frequent periodontal issues, we strongly recommend having three to four periodontal maintenance visits per year which can be done at alternating appointments between your general dentist and periodontal office. If you already have tooth loss and/or advanced periodontal problems, please know that it’s never too late to start addressing these serious issues.

If you think you may need periodontal care or are interested in learning more about dental implants, please get in touch with our Beverly Hills offices by calling the number on your screen or filling out the form on our contact page. Dr. Soleymani is a nationally respected expert on gum diseases and implants and is looked to not only by patients but others in his field.

* “How oral health influences brain health and stroke risk: Exploring the connection” by Nina Garlo-Melkas, MSc. Pub March 20, 2024

Worried About Your Oral Health It Began with Agriculture!

Worried About Your Oral Health? It Began with Agriculture!

Have you ever thought about how early humans got along without fluoride toothpaste or oral healthcare? It turns out that, while life for early humans was vastly harder than our own in almost every way, at the very beginning, human teeth were less prone to decay. Unfortunately, the more civilized life became for our ancestors, the worse such problems as tooth loss and inflamed gums must have been. Ironically, it may have been the wealthiest people in the ancient world who would have had the greatest need for our services at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center.

The First Toothaches BW (Before Wonka)

As we graduated from hunter-gatherers to a race of farmers, the greater availability of food appears to have charged up our oral biome. Some experts believe that the arrival of streptococcus mutans, one of the primary bacteria that produces tooth decay, goes back to roughly the same time as agriculture may have begun, perhaps 12,000 years ago.

As civilization grew, it’s safe to say that our ancestors’ oral health issues increased. The kind of highly refined sugars and candies we know today were still a long way off but it's clear that tooth and gum problems were common. Hand-driven dental drills dating back to as long ago as 7000 BCE have been found in Pakistan and primitive dentistry was available in much of the ancient world. As agriculture made carbohydrates that turned into sugar as well as fruit and extremely sweet substances such as honey more available, more people suffered and sometimes died at least partly due to bad oral health.

The Hunt for Sweetness

Today, sweet flavors are never further away than our refrigerator or kitchen cabinets, but calories from sugars were precious as humanity was developing. Very sweet foods were present early on but, as with salt and other spices, highly prized commodities that most people would find hard to obtain in more than a small quantity.

For example, the uncultivated berries our hunter-gatherer ancestors survived on alongside nuts and the occasional animal, were likely very tart by comparison to what we’re used to now. If you’ve ever eaten a plain cranberry or had a taste of unsweetened cranberry juice, you may have an idea of how tart many fruits once were.1

Fortunately, but also unfortunately, the rise of agriculture made food of all types easier to obtain. What we now call organic farming was the only kind of farming and processed carbs as we know them didn't exist. Even so, the whole foods we pay extra for now also eventually break down into sugar on the teeth.

It got worse (and better). The rise of beekeeping meant honey could be safely harvested and other extremely sweet substances, such as sugar cane and agave, were being found all over the world. Moreover, early farmers were discovering botany and cultivating strains of fruits and vegetables that evolved into the very sweet and tasty fruits you can now purchase in any grocery store.2

BW (Before Wonka)

As humanity grew more sophisticated, tooth decay and gum disease became endemic. While cultures around the world were developing primitive oral hygiene and dentistry, the loss of teeth due to tooth decay followed by periodontal illness became widespread. Hippocrates, the legendary Greek father of medicine, wrote about gum disease circa 400 BCE. He correctly associated the problem with calculus (aka tarter), which he called pituita, but progress after that was slow.

Cut to roughly 2200 years later and it’s clear that dental issues were more frequent and severe among the wealthy. If you’ve read a biography of George Washington, you have an idea of just how painful and debilitating 18th-century periodontal problems could be and how little could be done. A plantation owner as well as a soldier, Washington could afford the finest dentists in the prosperous state of Virginia. Nevertheless, there was little relief from horrendous chronic oral pain and that was worsened by the extremely primitive oral prosthetics of the time.3

Unfortunately for President Washington, even the father of his country could not benefit from a science that hadn’t even begun. Periodontics was not a discipline until it was founded by two female dentists in 1914 – six years before women in the United States could vote!

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

Here in the 2020s, both the swords and the shields of oral disease are more advanced than ever. Candy, sweet baked goods, and sugar-laden sodas and juices are cheaper than ever and tempting us all; gum disease is present in about 46 percent of us. The cascading periodontal and oral health issues that plagued George Washington are still very much a problem. Fortunately, issues can now be largely prevented with good oral hygiene. When that fails, periodontal disease treatment offers numerous strategies for limiting or entirely preventing serious damage from periodontitis. Multiple or single dental implants offer a level of comfort, convenience, and attractiveness that would have made the usually solemn and perpetually taciturn George Washington break out in an extremely rare smile.

Dr. Peiman Soleymani and Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are here to prevent or help reverse the most serious oral health situations. Dr. Soleymani is among the most respected periodontal and implantology experts in the United States, and people from throughout the Greater Los Angeles area turn to him when their smiles need protection and/or restoration. To get started, call the phone number on your screen or send us an email via our contact page.

1Apples grown by the legendary Johnny Appleseed were so unappetizing raw they were called “spitters.” They were primarily for making hard cider and apple brandy by revolutionary era farmer-entrepreneurs like George Washington.

2Zoos have largely stopped giving fresh fruit to animals in recent years because they have been developing tooth decay and diabetes due to the ever-increasing sugar content of modern fruit.

3Contrary to rumor, Washington’s prosthetic teeth were not wooden. They were primarily human replacement teeth. It’s not entirely known, but the facts on how and where a plantation owner’s dentist would have obtained these teeth are as disturbing as you can probably imagine.

Oral Health Won’t Wait, Even if You Do

If you’re one of the countless people who may be experiencing gum problems, have seriously compromised teeth, or have lost one or more teeth due to severe decay or oral trauma, you may have put off seeking treatment – and that’s not good! During busy times such as right now, it’s easy to understand why you might tend to put off care but, unfortunately, the bacteria and other factors that cause periodontal and related issues don’t take holidays and never procrastinate. If you have these problems, please contact a skilled oral healthcare provider right away.

Leading periodontist and implantology expert Dr. Peiman Soleymani and our team of highly skilled and compassionate oral health specialists at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center have been caring for patients from throughout Greater Los Angeles for years, and we’ve seen just about every important oral health issue there is. While no two patients are the same, their cases all have one thing in common – problems could have been reduced or prevented with prompt treatment.

Periodontal Illness

Studies have shown that 50 percent of the US population 30 years or older has some degree of periodontal illness. Gingivitis is relatively mild and generally asymptomatic. If you are starting to see even mild symptoms, there’s a chance your case is more advanced and may have progressed into more serious periodontitis.

The most common obvious signs that it’s a must to have periodontal issues looked at include pain, loose teeth, pus oozing from gums, persistent bad breath (halitosis), a lingering bad taste, recessed gums (when teeth pull away from gums) as well as painful and/or bleeding gums. Bleeding doesn’t have to be profuse to be a concern. Even a light pink toothbrush is reason enough to reach out for help immediately.

It’s hard to understate the importance of getting periodontal disease treatment quickly. Left unchecked, periodontitis can lead first to painful infection, the loss of one or more teeth, and eventually, the loss of an entire row of teeth.

More Bad News

As bad as losing teeth might sound, and as excruciating as the inevitable toothaches can be, it gets worse because lost teeth lead to bone loss in the jaw and facial bones. Over time, this can lead to what doctors call facial collapse, the sunken look we associate with older and middle-aged people who are unhoused and/or have long-term substance abuse problems.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, periodontal issues have been associated with numerous systemic illnesses. While researchers have not established direct casualty, people with periodontal problems also have higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and dementia. The problems may make each other worse so it’s hard to identify which is the cause and which is the result.

Fortunately, there are many things an outstanding periodontist like Dr. Soleymani can do to stop or reduce bone loss. For people with gingivitis and periodontitis who have caught the illness in time, often a procedure called root planning and scaling, aka deep cleaning, combined with better oral hygiene can solve periodontal issues and prevent further loss of teeth and bone. When that isn’t enough, numerous techniques are available to treat more advanced cases including osseous surgery, bone grafting, and laser therapies.

Missing Teeth – An Oral Health Timebomb

Another issue where people may tend to put off getting help is dealing with teeth loss due to advanced tooth decay or periodontal problems as well as trauma. Regardless of how teeth are lost, they should be replaced quickly. There are many physical and psychological problems related to unreplaced missing teeth. Dentures and bridgework help most of them and are vastly better than nothing. Unfortunately, they are not a complete solution.

The most insidious issue with edentulous spaces is that they accelerate bone loss because of the lack of stimulation from the missing teeth. As you might guess, this is a frequent cause of facial collapse.

Dental Implants – The Gold Standard Replacement for Teeth

At present, the only teeth replacements that address bone loss are dental implants – one of many reasons why oral health experts and satisfied patients agree that they are the gold standards in tooth replacement. Getting a single dental implant can help tremendously in the prevention of issues such as future crooked teeth or cracking adjacent teeth because of excess force on fewer teeth. However, people who have lost even an entire row of teeth should not be discouraged. Implant bridges can replace multiple teeth, while all-on-four implants can replace a full row of teeth in one procedure.

Your Mouth Can’t Wait – Get Started Now!

If you are dealing with periodontal problems or have missing or compromised teeth that may require extraction, nationally respected periodontist and implantologist Dr. Peiman Soleymani and his team at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Implant Center are widely considered among the best in California and nationwide. To learn more, use the phone number on your screen to call us or by using the form on our contact page.

Diet and Oral Health

Studies looking at possible links between oral health in general, periodontal health in particular, and systemic health impacting the major organs such as the heart and the brain have been accumulating for years. The outcomes can often be confusing for laypeople because of scientific language that is complex and may seem self-contradictory. This is partly because the science is still new, and the body is a complex system where everything may impact anything else. It’s often unclear whether oral health impacts overall bodily health, or if the health of the body and its major organs improves oral health or, perhaps more likely, they impact each other in a sort of feedback loop.

So, the most we can really say for sure is that eating a nutritious diet and regular oral hygiene is the best path we have for a lifelong healthy smile and health worth smiling about. Even so, researchers are trying to see if they can be just a little bit more specific in terms of which foods to watch out for if we’re concerned about diseases of the gums.

Oxidation and Inflammation

A new September 2023 article published in BMC Nutrition documents a study exploring the possible connection between periodontal illness and diets higher in nutrients that are considered pro-inflammatory as opposed to nutrients with antioxidants that tend to lower inflammation.

The study followed two groups of people who were keeping detailed track of everything they ate. One group had periodontal illnesses and the other, the control group, did not. The study was admittedly far from conclusive, but it was successful in finding a difference in the diet of the two groups. It specifically noted:

“There was a significant difference between the mean intake of micronutrients and food groups, including [pro-inflammatory] saturated fatty acids (SFAs), iron, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, crude fiber, selenium, chromium, whole fiber, caffeine, dairy, and meat, between patients with periodontitis and the control group.”

We should note three things.

  1. None of the substances mentioned as pro-inflammatory are inherently unhealthy in the correct amounts. Many – including vitamin C, fiber, and iron – are essential. Also, many of them may act as both pro-oxidants and antioxidants depending on circumstances. (We said it could be confusing!)
  2. Correlation is not causation; the study is only pointing to a possible connection
  3. Regardless, inflammation appears to be among the most important culprits in a growing number of illnesses, from cardiovascular diseases to cancer, to Alzheimer’s, to chronic pain. Eating foods to minimize inflammation should be a no-lose proposition.

Eating to Reduce Inflammation

So, let's look at a food that is undoubtedly healthy when consumed whole: an orange. On the one hand, the ubiquitous fruit contains vitamin C, which is usually an antioxidant but which can also be pro-oxidant. Regardless, citric acid, as it is also known, is very literally something we can’t live without.

Oranges also contain fiber which we need for good digestion. Fiber can also contain antioxidants, but it can foster oxidation on its own.

The main reason humans like oranges so much, however, is that they contain simple sugars which are pro-inflammatories and arguably health public enemy #1. Fortunately, the orange also contains powerful anti-inflammatories called polyphenols which makes eating an orange likely to reduce inflammation overall. The benefits of an orange decrease greatly, however, if you only drink orange juice. The concentration of calories and the large amounts of sugar it contains make it only marginally less bad than a standard sugary soda. Generally speaking, foods are going to be healthier if they are less processed.

Caffeine is another case in point. There has been an ongoing debate about whether it’s a health hero, villain, or something in between. By itself, it might be pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. In any case, if we obtain it from energy drinks or colas, we probably aren’t doing ourselves much good. While some energy drinks make nutritional claims, there are issues with calories and tooth-unfriendly acids, and any nutrients we get are likely to be marginal. However, if we get our caffeine via coffee or tea, we are also getting powerful anti-inflammatories. Of course, tea and coffee are frequent causes of staining in teeth and many people like to drink them with tooth-dissolving sugar and saturated fat-laden cream. Nothing’s perfect! Keep brushing and flossing.

Speaking of cream, low-fat dairy products are an excellent source of the calcium we need for healthy teeth, along with protein and other important nutrients, but even lower-fat products have their share of calorie-laden carbs. So, dairy foods are often good choices but only if consumed moderately and without too much oxidant saturated fats. Also, what you’ve heard about yogurt is true. It may have anti-inflammatory properties and may often support good digestion.

Eggs may be extremely healthy when not fried with a lot of fat. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, an antioxidant that is also essential for metabolizing calcium to avoid tooth loss and osteoporosis. Eggs have their issues, however; they contain substances that may increase oxidation in certain people and most of us will still be told by our doctor to take vitamin D supplements as we age no matter how many eggs we eat. While the cholesterol in eggs was once a widely known concern, we know now that they do not increase “bad” LDL cholesterol levels in most people who eat them.

Meat is another type of food that may be healthy lean and in moderate amounts. There are also numerous concerns about how meat is prepared. Well-done grilled/charred meats may be carcinogenic and can significantly increase the risk of deadly pancreatic cancers if eaten regularly. Processed deli meats aren’t much better. However, it’s generally agreed that seafood is by far the most beneficial type of protein. High-fat fish like salmon and sardines are arguably healthier than leaner fish as they are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fish oils. Alas, those oils that can make salmon such a healthy treat also mean more calories. (Again, nothing’s perfect!)

Speaking of calories, yes, it’s important to keep them from getting out of hand. And, yes, refined pasta, rice, baked goods, and other foods high in simple carbohydrates are both fattening and pro-inflammatory. We probably don’t have to tell you that sweet baked goods are, as Cookie Monster himself put it, “a sometime food.”  At the same time, trendy zero-carb diets can be problematic, it’s best to get most of your carbohydrates from whole grains and legumes such as beans and nuts which are often rich in antioxidant nutrients.

We keep talking about calories because being overweight or obese also causes inflammation. New drugs and bariatric surgery notwithstanding, permanently defeating obesity is difficult and rare in adulthood, especially if we’re past college age. Though overweight people can do themselves a lot of good by keeping their weight under control and even a small weight loss can be beneficial, prevention is always best. If you’re a thin person, please try to stay that way.

What Kind of Overall Diet is Best for Reducing Inflammation?

If you’re looking for the best eating plan to reduce inflammation for your oral and overall health, it’s not always easy to say. Everyone is different and the best healthy dietary plan is always one you can stick to. Moreover, it’s hard to go wrong if you eat a wide variety of food in moderate quantities, including generous amounts of fresh vegetables and fruit.

All that being said, more and more doctors seem to be coming around to what we call the Mediterranean diet, which includes foods rich in antioxidants including healthy fats such as nuts, fish, chickpeas, and olive oil, as well as lots of whole grains and a wide palette of herbs and spices that make it possible to reduce salt while still tasting delicious. It's also got a lot of yogurt in it. If you love eating Middle Eastern or Greek cuisine, this may be the best path for you.

Of course, after you’ve eaten whatever it is you’re eating, you probably won’t be surprised when we say that you should floss and brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice daily. Using mouthwash regularly doesn’t hurt either. Also, visit the dentist twice a year.

You knew that was coming. We are talking mostly about oral health here, right?

Healthy Gums for a Healthy Life

Believe it or not, some 70 percent of the population is believed to have at least a mild case of gingivitis – and that includes some people with excellent oral hygiene habits. At the first signs of symptoms like persistent bad breath (halitosis), dry mouth, or any sign of bleeding gums, including a slightly pink toothbrush, please seek out the help of a skilled oral health professional.

If you’re looking for periodontal disease treatment on the west side of Los Angeles, gum specialist Dr. Peiman Soleymani of Beverly Hills Periodontic & Dental Implant Center is one of the nation’s most respected authorities and has dealt with many advanced cases of periodontitis. For people whose situation has progressed to the point where extractions and site preservation are necessary or who have lost one or more teeth due to trauma, he is also a leader in the field of oral implantology so he can handle the entire process and has been praised by his patients for his careful and gentle approach.

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us via the phone number on your screen or by filling out the form on our contact page.

Dental Implants and Sports-Related Trauma

Oral health professionals and patients agree that dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement, and many people who lose their teeth due to decay or periodontal problems will opt for that — and they usually want to act quickly.

The same will apply to patients whose trauma occurs as part of casual athletic activity — ordinary sports injuries that might occur during a game of softball, flag football, or tennis or while participating in activities like bicycling, jogging, or hiking.

The question of when and how to replace lost teeth gets more complicated, however, when players are involved in more serious sporting competitions either on an amateur or professional basis.

The Hockey Conundrum

The hockey goalie with a tooth knocked out is not just a stereotype, it’s a reality; some players may even consider a lost tooth a badge of honor.

Hockey pros often choose to live without one or more teeth for years, putting off implants until after retirement. The logic is clear. Why replace a tooth if it’s very possible it could get knocked out again? Many may choose bridgework that they can remove before playing and get implants later. Others live with problems associated with lost teeth, including difficulties eating and talking.

The problem is that, even when we’re young, lost teeth can start to have impacts that go beyond the cosmetic and practical problems most people associate with missing teeth. Lost teeth spur bone loss because losing the support of the root of a tooth deprives the jawbone of stimulation, leading to atrophy. While bridgework and dentures are better than nothing, they do not slow down bone loss and many experts fear they may accelerate it.

Dental implants, on the other hand, act like real teeth. Replacing the lost root and contacting the jawbone helps the body to continue maintaining bone. So, while hockey players typically retire at roughly 28 to 30 years of age, waiting for too much longer may put them at greater risk for jawbone atrophy.

Other Sports

Professional hockey players may have reason to delay getting implants for a few years but most other athletes will benefit from getting them sooner and not later. This is particularly true for committed amateurs who continue to play into their middle years and beyond with sports like soccer, softball, basketball, and bicycling. A modicum of caution should limit the chances of repeated dental trauma and, as we’ve said, there are significant risks attached to waiting too long.

The Price of Delaying Dental Implants

The most important reason to get oral implants is to stop bone loss. The long-term impacts of losing bone can be devastating as the jawbone deteriorates further. Just as bad or worse, patients can suffer facial collapse, which is the medical term for the sunken look you may be familiar with in older people with severe drug and alcohol problems.

Even so, we want you to think about the shorter-term impact; the potential price of delay in terms of time, money, and heartache is significant. That’s because patients with insufficient bone structure are not candidates for implants until they have first had oral surgery to provide supporting structure for the implant. This usually means an additional surgery, bone grafting.

Bone grafts typically involve using tissues from outside sources, such as cadaver bone, bovine bone, or a combination. However, the gold standard is considered to be the patient’s bone tissue, which can be obtained from various parts of the body. The obvious drawback here is that the procedure requires additional surgery to obtain the bone.

These are choices that patients and their implantologists can make together, considering all of the risks and benefits. On the other hand, if you act quickly enough, there is a good chance you won’t need the additional surgery

Need an Oral Implant? Why Wait?

Generally speaking, the quicker you act to get implants, the better off you are. Even if lightning strikes twice and another trauma later on causes the implant to come out, you will likely be better off than if you’d waited all the time, your bone tissues dwindling all the while.

Oral health aside, dental implants do have some important bonuses in terms of convenience in that they function almost exactly the same as natural teeth. This means no hassles with removing them for cleaning or if they become uncomfortable. Patients care for implants in the same way as they care for their other teeth – regular brushing and flossing. Moreover, believe it or not, people do sometimes leave dentures at places like restaurants or hotels. If you’re the kind of person who regularly has to worry about losing your wallet, keys, and smartphone, you might be relieved to know you don’t have to add another item to the list.

Finally, dental implants are widely considered the most attractive tooth replacement option and are custom-made to blend in visually with your other teeth. In cases where an entire row is missing, many patients take advantage of all-on-four dental implants, which handle a full row of teeth anchored by four implants with a single procedure. These procedures can provide a beautiful and healthy new smile in only a few hours.

Contact Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

For people looking for outstanding dental care in the West Los Angeles area, Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center is considered one of the premier oral healthcare providers in the LA area. A widely-respected leader in the oral health field, Dr. Peiman Soleymani is known for his ability and consistently positive outcomes in periodontal disease treatment and performing implant procedures.

To get started, call us at the number on your screen or fill out the form on our contact page.

The Straight Dope on Cannabis and Oral Health

Many of us thought it would never happen but cannabis is finally legal and an ordinary part of daily life, at least here in California. For many local adults, gummies and smokable products are as integrated into the Los Angeles lifestyle as $20.00 craft cocktails at high-end restaurants or cheap wine from Trader Joe’s.

As a leading dental office in the West Los Angeles area, Dr. Peiman Soleymani and his team at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are chiefly interested in how legal cannabis is impacting oral health. For starters, while perhaps less dangerous than alcohol, cannabis products are not harmless – no drug ever is. The pros of cannabis have been argued for decades now, including its medicinal uses, its calming effect, and its lack of physically addictive properties but it’s time to look at its oral health downside.

Dry Mouth and Lesions

Even very casual pot users are familiar with temporary “cotton mouth” whether smoking or using edibles. Saliva protects the mouth against harmful bacteria, so gingivitis and more severe gum illnesses pose a clear threat if dry mouth persists. Periodontal disease treatment may eventually be needed so the sooner it’s treated, the better.

A particular type of lesion is also associated with cannabis, though it’s not clear whether it’s only associated with smoked weed as opposed to edibles or sprays. Leukoplakia is a white or gray growth that appears on the gums, the floor of the mouth, the inside of the cheeks, and elsewhere. It's been associated with oral cancers, so please seek treatment right away if growths appear.

The Munchies!!

One of the primary medical uses of cannabis is to stimulate the appetite when people with health problems are not eating enough. Of course, most Americans suffer from the opposite problem. Put simply, ”the munchies” are one of the most well-known and immediate effects of marijuana consumption. While pot has done no harm to fast-food joints and junk food manufacturers, we all know that eating too many sweet/high-carb snacks is not great for our teeth or our waistline.

There’s an obvious solution to this problem which is to make sure plenty of low-calorie, low-sugar snacks are on hand while indulging – celery with seasoned salt or apples, for example. Since edibles are preferable healthwise, why not go with sugar-free and keto-friendly gummies? Failing that, all we can say is that a toothbrush is not heavy machinery; if you can remember to brush your teeth while high, you can do so safely.

Too Much is Always Too Much

While pot is not physically addictive it can become a crutch; perhaps most of us have known people who have used it too much at certain points in their lives. It might seem funny at times but then so do a lot of things that can harm us.

If Harold and Kumar or Cheech and Chong existed in the real world,* they’d likely be skipping brushing and flossing while also eating plenty of teeth-melting snacks; they’d likely have bad breath that might make them less fun to be around than they seem onscreen. There is plenty of data to show that people who use cannabis very regularly are more prone to a host of dental problems.

Real-life potheads who ignore their oral hygiene may suffer from problems that can cause teeth to become so compromised they must be extracted. If they are not replaced by dental implants, a devastating chain reaction in which bone loss spurs more gum disease can cause patients to lose entire rows of teeth.

Moderation is Always the Key

You’re likely an adult and we’re not here to tell you what to do. We all make choices and whether you’re using cannabis medicinally, recreationally, or maybe a little bit of both, the key is always moderation. Oral health and overall health can’t be separated, and keeping control of cannabis usage, like most other non-exercise recreational habits, is always crucial.

Contact Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Dr. Peiman Soleymani is a widely respected periodontist and dental implantologist who has helped countless people restore their oral health. If you are concerned about your gums for any reason, including symptoms like bleeding gums or halitosis, we want to hear from you. Call us at the phone number on your screen or reach out electronically to schedule a consultation.

* Yes, Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are real people but if they used as much pot as regularly as their comedic personas do, they’d be unknown stoners, not legendary comic actors.

Periodontal Illness, Dementia, the Chicken, and the Egg

Evidence has been accumulating in recent years pointing to possible connections between periodontal disease and various systemic illnesses including dementia and diabetes. While the connections are important, the information can be contradictory. It may bring to mind the ancient paradox about whether the egg or the chicken came first. (Technically, eggs long preceded chickens.)

As explained in a Medical News Today article from 2022, the evidence shows that many people with dementia have developed significant gum diseases. The question, however, is this: Since severe cognitive impairment causes people to neglect their oral health, leading to periodontal illness, is that the only connection? Or, has periodontal illness made sufferers more vulnerable to contracting serious cognitive ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease? Could the problem be what doctors call bidirectional: a vicious circle of cognitive impairment worsening self-care, making already present periodontal issues that much worse, leading to more dementia?

The Medical News article presents a lot of interesting data along with plenty of contradictions and caveats but it does make one clear recommendation that is just good common sense. If you are concerned about dealing with dementia in your later years, it makes sense to maintain good oral health habits and watch out for any possible periodontal issues.

Even if the causation all flows in a single direction and cognitive impairment leads to periodontal illness but not the other way around, the “worst” thing that can happen is that you may not have to deal with the pain and unpleasantness associated with periodontal problems on top of whatever health problems you wind up suffering as you age. The best outcome is that you’ll have helped prevent lost teeth and maybe dementia also. A twofer!

Protect Your Periodontal Health

Aging is inevitable but we make our middle and later years a lot more productive and enjoyable by preventing illnesses, including periodontal disease. Medical science is getting better and better at extending our lifespans despite our health problems. What many of us fail to realize, however, is that even if we recover from heart attacks, strokes, and other common health emergencies, recovery always means time spent in significant discomfort and may be only partial. Engaging in healthy behaviors and avoiding unhealthy habits can not only add years to our lives but also, as the old saying puts it, “life to our years.”

The longer you can protect your teeth and gums while you are reasonably healthy, the less vulnerable they will be when your health starts to decline. Painful oral health problems will be one less difficulty for you and your family.

Stay on Top of Your Oral Health

Dr. Peiman Soleymani is one of the nation’s leading periodontists and implantologists as well as a widely published expert in his field. His team of expert oral health care professionals at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center has helped countless people from throughout the Los Angeles area and beyond recover from a wide variety of periodontal illnesses as well as helping to provide dental implants.

Our advice on protecting your health is clear though mostly very familiar: Floss, brush twice daily for at least two minutes with a fluoridated toothpaste, see an oral health professional twice yearly, and watch out for the signs of periodontal illness – including bleeding, painful gums (even just a pink toothbrush is cause for concern), and persistent bad breath (halitosis). When these issues appear, it’s time to consult with the best oral health professional you can find.

Concerned About Your Gums? Interested in Dental Implants?

If so, Dr. Peiman Soleymani and his team at Beverly Hills Periodontics and Dental Implant Center want to hear from you. Call us at the phone number on your screen or reach out electronically to schedule a consultation.

Why Covid Makes Periodontal Care More Urgent

Should Anyone Still be Worried about Seeing a Periodontist?

No. First, oral health care from a reputable practitioner is extremely safe for everyone, including those who may be especially vulnerable. Second, the ongoing pandemic makes it more urgent than ever for those who need it to obtain first-rate periodontal disease treatment as quickly as possible.

What’s Changed Since the Early Days of the Pandemic?

There was a great deal of uncertainty during the early days of the Covid-19 crisis and the priority was slowing the spread of the virus.

With offices limiting visitors to more urgent cases, many people put off routine dental care and may have ignored issues. Even now that offices have long ago developed protocols and are conducting normal business too many people are delaying oral health care indefinitely. That is never a good idea.

Yes, Covid-19 is still very serious business, especially for more vulnerable individuals. Those who are elderly and in poor health, immunocompromised, and who are unvaccinated for any reason have to show great care. However, while Covid-19 was a reason to temporarily put off routine oral health care in 2020, it is now a reason to prioritize periodontal treatment in particular.

Is There a Connection Between Periodontal Issues and Covid Mortality?

Quite likely, yes. We have known for a long time that periodontal problems may increase the threat of many systemic health issues. It also stands to reason that, like any other stressor, periodontal problems may negatively impact our immune system and make us more likely to pick up Covid-19, especially with current strains becoming more and more communicable. But there is more specific evidence.

A recent article in The Lancet looks into a 2021 Indian study that helped to confirm that people with issues such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease had higher Covid mortality rates. Taking a separate tack, The Lancet looked into patients in the study who had periodontal diseases. The article's authors found that people who had been found to have advanced periodontal problems appeared to have a higher mortality rate. “Patients with severe periodontitis are at much higher odds of requiring hospital admission and ventilation, developing COVID-19 pneumonia, and dying after SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with COVID-19-positive patients with healthy gums,” wrote The Lancet.

Caring for Periodontal Problems and Limiting the Risk of Covid-19

Regardless of your status regarding Covid, it is more important than ever to maintain excellent dental hygiene. Bleeding gums, halitosis (bad breath), and pain are signs of potentially serious problems and be looked at as quickly as possible. Even seemingly minor signs, like a pink toothbrush indicating slight bleeding, should be looked at immediately.

The Highest Level of Care with Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Our founder, Dr. Peiman Soleymani, is one of the nation’s leading periodontists. When patients present with gingivitis or its more advanced cousin, periodontitis, Dr. Soleymani is a master of such state-of-the-art treatments as laser gum surgery as well as scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) and other highly effective treatments.

Whether you are concerned about your gums or want to look into immediate dental implants with one of the nation’s most respected implantologists, Dr. Soleymani and his team want to hear from you. To get started, simply call the number below or visit our contact page.

What Do Dental Implants Really Offer?

If you’re researching dental implants in Los Angeles or anywhere else, you’ll notice that many oral health care professionals tend to focus exclusively on their functionality. But that's not the whole story.

Yes, implants are much more than prosthetics such as dentures and bridgework. They fully replace lost or extracted teeth, offer many oral health benefits, and generally do a great job at it – but, as a patient, you may have other concerns directly impacting your quality of life.

The fact of the matter is that, yes, dental implants have many benefits that have pleasant immediate impacts along with all of those important long terms ones. They allow patients to maintain a beautiful, attractive smile that’s nearly indistinguishable from a person’s original teeth – and they do this with a great deal more convenience than older types of dental prosthetics.

Our Smile Matters

As much as we might like to pretend that looks don’t matter, the reality is that our appearance plays an important role in nearly every aspect of our lives, both socially and in terms of our careers. Just as important, how we perceive our looks directly affects most peoples’ level of confidence. After all, nearly anyone would likely feel at least some embarrassment if a tooth is lost or extracted and not replaced – and the truth is that there will be some people who may make false assumptions about you based on even one visibly missing tooth.

Dental implants offer the very best permanent solution to this problem.

It’s true that dentures and bridgework are tried and true replacements for teeth and are much better than nothing. At the same time, they require special care, offer fewer health benefits, and may not be quite as attractive. Dental implants, however, are the gold standard solution in terms of appearance, oral health, and convenience. Patients care for them exactly the same way as they should be caring for their natural teeth.

The Best Dental Implants in Los Angeles

Are you ready to get the best dental implants in Los Angeles? Dr. Peiman Soleymani is one of Southern California’s foremost experts on dental implants as well as the health of the gums they rest on. As the founder of Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, Dr. Soleymani has helped countless patients find renewed confidence in their smiles.

To get started, simply call the number below or visit our contact page.

The Best Periodontist in Los Angeles

Periodontal work involves the most delicate and important area of the mouth: gums. Numerous studies have proven the importance of maintaining oral health in terms of preserving an individual’s overall wellbeing, and many of these studies start with the significance of healthy gums and ensuring that lost teeth are replaced. As such, entrusting your periodontal care to the best periodontist and oral implantologist you can find in the Los Angeles area only makes sense.

Who Is Dr. Peiman Soleymani?

Dr. Peiman Soleymani graduated from the UCLA School of Dentistry in 1997, where he later taught third and fourth-year dental students at the Department of Advanced Treatment Planning.  The doctor earned his degree in Periodontics and Dental Implantology from Oregon Health Sciences University a few years later in 2000. In 2008, Dr. Soleymani became a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. In total, he has served as a clinical instructor/lecturer for both the USC and UCLA schools of dentistry for over eighteen years.

Throughout his career, Dr. Soleymani has been involved with numerous research projects and has co-authored a scientific publication on the effects of nicotine on bone grafting and tissue healing. He has been a fixture in top oral health periodontal publications starting in the early 2000s.

Since founding Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, countless patients have left Dr. Soleymani’s center with healthier, more attractive smiles and what they often describe as the best experience they’ve had with an oral healthcare provider.

Dr. Soleymani has earned consistently outstanding patient reviews on social media sites such as Yelp; many emphasize his excellent bedside manner, caring demeanor, and most importantly, the kind of outstanding results that come with the highest level of expertise.

Contact Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Don’t let your health and quality of life wait. If you are interested in learning more about periodontal treatment or dental implants with Dr. Soleymani, call our office today at the number on your screen or visit our contact page.

For Dental Implants in Los Angeles, Visit Dr. Soleymani

Finding quality dental implants in Los Angeles is made easy with services offered by Dr. Peiman Soleymani of Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. As a board-certified periodontist and widely respected dental implant specialist, Dr. Soleymani is a leader in his field with the hard-earned expertise required to provide oral healthcare at the highest level.

Why You Might Want Dental Implants

Aside from the fact that a dental implant fills the gap left behind by a missing or extracted tooth for comfort and proper nutrition, dental implants offer a host of benefits over other types of prosthetics. Adding dental implants where there are missing teeth helps with the distribution of force. Many times when there are missing teeth, the adjacent teeth become more mobile. However, dental implants help with stability by reducing the mobility of other teeth. In a way, dental implants improve the prognosis of other teeth.

Dental Implants are Secure

Dental implants are essentially permanent. Unlike dentures, a dental implant won’t slip or fall out while eating or speaking, and their care is exactly the same as for natural teeth. And unlike traditional dental bridges that are attached to neighboring teeth, dental implants aren’t likely to break from their moorings.

Dental Implants Stimulate Bone Tissue Production

Implants also mimic the stimulation that natural teeth place on underlying bone tissue. As such, the risk of jaw shrinkage is significantly mitigated by dental implants. No other form of dental prosthetic addresses this very important issue.

Choose Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center is widely regarded as the very best place to receive a dental implant in Los Angeles. Our center emphasizes patient care and wellbeing with the utmost attention to detail.

When patients walk through our doors, they are placing their trust in us and we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that they get the best care possible. For more information on our offerings, visit our contact page or call the number on your screen.

A Beverly Hills Dental Implant Specialist Patients Trust

Dr. Peiman Soleymani is a Beverly Hills dental implant specialist and board-certified periodontist with decades of experience and a reputation as one of the finest oral healthcare providers in the Greater Los Angeles area. Patients interested in implants at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center who come to our offices have come to the right place.

The Dental Implant Process

If this is your first time visiting our office, you will start with a consultation to determine exactly what is needed in order to gain a complete and healthy smile. An examination will determine if a patient is ready for an implant right away or if other work may be needed first.

Dental implants require a sturdy bone structure in the jaw or else serious complications can arise. Thus, it is occasionally necessary to ensure that there is a proper amount of bone tissue onsite via a preparatory procedure such as a sinus or ridge augmentation. While this can delay the installation of a dental implant, it is necessary for the safety and success of the implant procedure.

Once it is determined that a patient is ready for implants, a procedure date will be set. Dr. Soleymani offers a variety of implants, including both individual implants and All-on-Four implants that replace an entire row of teeth with a single procedure. Patients who have been cleared can also receive same-day implants in many cases. Patients who prefer non-metallic materials for their implants will also be happy to know that Dr. Soleymani offers zirconia teeth replacements.

Prospective patients that would like to learn more about the services offered by Dr. Soleymani and Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center can call the number at the top of this page or visit the contact page.

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