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Q&As about Tooth Extraction and Dental Implants

While there is no substitute for a personal consultation with Dr. Peiman Soleymani, we’ve put together a few answers to a few of the most common questions about dental implants that we have received at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center.


How soon after tooth extraction can you have an implant?

As our center offers same-day dental implants, Dr. Soleymani can emplace a patient’s dental implant immediately after tooth extraction. Every case is different and a thorough evaluation to provide the most optimal result should be done first, however. For some cases, a step by step approach will achieve the best result and it might take several months to complete the whole process. However, in many other cases, immediate implant placement may be the best option for the patient.


What happens if you don’t get an implant after tooth extraction?

For each case, alternative options should be discussed. Options such as a bridge using the adjacent teeth or a removable partial denture will be discussed depending on the conditions of the remaining teeth. However, based on evidence-based research and our experience, dental implant therapy seem to be the superior choice for most cases.


Can dental implants be done in one day?

Yes, immediate dental implants are available whenever medically appropriate. Many patients opt for same-day implants because it cuts down on their overall recovery time and provides a more convenient experience. For patients well enough to receive same-day dental implants, there is little or no increased risk for complications.


Contact Us

Patients can learn more about dental implants, tooth extraction, or any of the services we offer at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center by calling the number on this page or contacting us online.

A Los Angeles Periodontist that Keeps Your Gums Healthy

Dr. Peiman Soleymani is a widely respected Los Angeles periodontist and the founder of Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. As a leading periodontist, Dr. Soleymani specializes in making sure that patients’ gums are as healthy as can be.

What Does a Periodontist Do?

Periodontists primarily specialize in maintaining or protecting a patient’s gums. This can include services like treating gum disease or its more severe form, periodontitis, as well as performing cosmetic enhancements to improve the appearance of gums and teeth.

Our center offers these standard periodontal treatments and more:

  • Periodontal Disease Treatment
  • Laser Gum Surgery
  • Osseus Surgery
  • Esthetic Crown Lengthening
  • Bone and Soft Tissue Grafting
  • General Periodontal Maintenance

Cutting Edge Techniques Performed by a Top Periodontist

When you’re seeking treatment for any kind of medical issue, you want the best treatment available.  Dr. Soleymani makes use of the most advanced methods and equipment so you can get the best treatment available.

For example, we use patient-derived platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to aid in the healing and recovery process. This cutting edge technique is offered by only a few periodontists in the area and is known to accelerate healing by augmenting the body’s natural processes.

Also Offering Dental Implants

Our resident periodontist Dr. Soleymani also provides dental implant services. The advantage of a periodontist emplacing implants is that they have an intimate understanding of how a patient’s gums will react to a new prosthetic. This may decrease the chances of complications and lead to a more successful implant.


Contact Us

To see one of the most respected periodontists nationwide, visit Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. For more information, call the number on your screen or visit our contact page. Our center is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Los Angeles Dental Implants That Patients Love

Los Angeles dental implants through Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center offer powerful solutions for difficult oral health problems. Implants are root-shaped structures that support realistic and highly durable prosthetics. They not only help restore beautiful smiles but also work to maintain the health and function of the mouth.

While dentures and bridgework can be extremely helpful, dental implants are better at solving long-term issues associated with missing teeth. Over time, lost teeth cause the underlying bone structures to degrade, necessitating further treatment. Dental implants are the only form of tooth replacement that can actually prevent bone loss.

A Simple and Permanent Solution for Missing Teeth

A dental implant is typically a more long term solution for a missing tooth when compared to traditional bridges. Implants stay in place while talking, eating, and sleeping by bonding to the patient’s jawbone and becoming a foundation for custom crowns that look and feel just like natural teeth. The upkeep of dental implants is extremely important in maintaining the gum and bone health for long term preservation of dental implants. Therefore, Dr. Soleymani and his team of expert hygienists recommend regular cleanings for dental implants. If you have one or several dental implants already, Dr. Soleymani and his team can help you preserve your dental implants in the best shape possible over the long hall.

Call Dr. Soleymani Today

At Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, our patients feel comfortable putting their trust in our outstanding team of dental professionals working under widely respected oral health leader and board-certified periodontist Dr. Peiman Soleymani. Additional dental implant-related services offered by Dr. Soleymani include extraction and site preservation, as well as ridge and sinus augmentation.

For more information or to book an appointment, visit our contact page or call the number on your screen.

For Dental Implants in Los Angeles, Visit Dr. Soleymani

Finding quality dental implants in Los Angeles is made easy with services offered by Dr. Peiman Soleymani of Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. As a board-certified periodontist and widely respected dental implant specialist, Dr. Soleymani is a leader in his field with the hard-earned expertise required to provide oral healthcare at the highest level.

Why You Might Want Dental Implants

Aside from the fact that a dental implant fills the gap left behind by a missing or extracted tooth for comfort and proper nutrition, dental implants offer a host of benefits over other types of prosthetics. Adding dental implants where there are missing teeth helps with the distribution of force. Many times when there are missing teeth, the adjacent teeth become more mobile. However, dental implants help with stability by reducing the mobility of other teeth. In a way, dental implants improve the prognosis of other teeth.

Dental Implants are Secure

Dental implants are essentially permanent. Unlike dentures, a dental implant won’t slip or fall out while eating or speaking, and their care is exactly the same as for natural teeth. And unlike traditional dental bridges that are attached to neighboring teeth, dental implants aren’t likely to break from their moorings.

Dental Implants Stimulate Bone Tissue Production

Implants also mimic the stimulation that natural teeth place on underlying bone tissue. As such, the risk of jaw shrinkage is significantly mitigated by dental implants. No other form of dental prosthetic addresses this very important issue.

Choose Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center is widely regarded as the very best place to receive a dental implant in Los Angeles. Our center emphasizes patient care and wellbeing with the utmost attention to detail.

When patients walk through our doors, they are placing their trust in us and we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that they get the best care possible. For more information on our offerings, visit our contact page or call the number on your screen.

Dental Implants in Los Angeles from a Leading Expert

Dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing or extracted teeth, serving several vital roles in preserving both the look and feel of your original teeth.

At Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, it is our mission to provide patients with the best care possible when it comes to receiving dental implants Beverly Hills.  Our resident periodontist Dr. Peiman Soleymani is a widely respected expert in his field. When you visit our office, you are under the care and expertise of one of the world’s foremost periodontists and implant specialists. Moreover, our office in Beverly Hills offers the same level of friendly and professional customer service that our community is known for.

Why Dental Implants are so Important

Dental implants address concerns beyond convenience and the appearance of your teeth. In many cases, placement of dental implants in the proper position, would help with the distribution of chewing forces and help retain adjacent teeth which otherwise would be lost because of lack of support.  Moreover, natural teeth provide natural stimulation to the underlying bone structure in your jaw. By removing this natural stimulation, the bone structure will cease the production of bone tissue leading to both lower bone density and shrinkage. Dental implants mimic the stimulation provided by natural teeth, allowing the jaw structure to retain a healthy form.

Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Patients receiving dental implants from Dr. Soleymani are receiving the best periodontal care available in the area. Dr. Soleymani can help improve your oral health and rehabilitate your loss of teeth with any issue you might be facing.

For more information, call the number on your screen or visit our contact page.

Dental Implants in Los Angeles Restore Look, Feel of Teeth

Patients seeking dental implants in Los Angeles are in luck as Beverly Hills Periodontist & Dental Implant Center offers the area’s finest comprehensive dental implant care. Dr. Peiman Soleymani is one of the most renowned periodontists in the area, building his outstanding reputation through years of successful procedures and having helped countless patients restore both the look and feel of their teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

Searching Los Angeles for dental implants may bring up results for a few different kinds of dental prosthetics. While there’s no real substitute for a live consultation to know which type of implant or supplemental procedure is best suited for any given situation, this list provides some general information about our offerings:

  • Single Dental Implant – As the name implies, a single dental implant replaces a single lost or extracted tooth. Beyond aesthetics and functionality, dental implants also seal open wounds or pockets in the oral cavity while also providing stimulation on the underlying bone tissue to prevent jaw shrinkage.
  • Same-Day Dental Implants – Our advanced technology, techniques, and skills allow us to perform dental implant operations as efficiently as possible. This means patients need less recovery time and can return to their normal lives sooner.
  • Tooth Extraction – Teeth that are experiencing severe decay must be extracted to halt the spread of infection. Once a tooth is extracted and the site is ready, an implant can then be installed.
  • Augmentation Procedures – Sometimes it is necessary to alter the surrounding tissues and bone structures to accommodate dental implants. This is always done with patient safety in mind, as insufficient bone density can compromise an implant leading to a break and further complications.

Start with Dr. Soleymani Today

To learn more, call the number on this page or visit our contact page.

A Dentist in Beverly Hills Specializing in Gum Health

Patients searching for a dentist in Beverly Hills can look to Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center for all their periodontal and dental implant related needs. As a renowned periodontist in the area, Dr. Peiman Soleymani has years of experience helping patients with their gum related issues, including providing treatments for severe forms of gum disease, known as periodontitis, and restoring the appealing nature of patients’ gums through cosmetic procedures.

As one of the best Beverly Hills dentists, Dr. Soleymani routinely provides his patients with exceptional care and treatment.

Services Offered by Dr. Soleymani

Periodontal services offered by Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are wide ranging and delve into both the medicinal side of dentistry as well as more cosmetic choices. These include:

  • Treatment and maintenance (essentially follow-up treatments) for periodontal disease
  • Soft tissue and bone grafting
  • Esthetic crown lengthening
  • Osseous surgery
  • Laser gum surgery

Additionally, Dr. Soleymani and his staff are well versed in dental implant services. First and foremost, dental implants replace missing or unsalvageable teeth with prosthetics that both look and function as patients’ original teeth. Dental implant services can include:

  • Single implants (including same day implants)
  • Sinus and ridge augmentation
  • Extractions
  • Treatment for complications
  • Implant bridge and dentures
  • All-on-Four dental implants

More information on any of the services mentioned above can be found throughout our site or by contacting our office.

Visit Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center

Our facility uses state of the art equipment and the most well-trained staff. For more information on the best dentist in Beverly Hills, visit our contact page or call the number on this page.

Get Gum Contouring Surgery in Beverly Hills

Gum contouring surgery for Beverly Hills and Los Angeles area patients might sound a bit technical, but the whole purpose is simply to correct problems and give patients an aesthetically appealing set of gums. At Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, Dr. Peiman Soleymani routinely and expertly performs cosmetic gum surgery, creating healthy and beautiful smiles for his patients and earning himself a reputation as one of the top periodontists in the area with an eye for aesthetics.

What Causes Gum Abnormalities?

If you’re wondering what causes aesthetically unappealing recessed gums in the first place, the reasons generally boil down to two things: natural aging and poor dental hygiene. Aging is unavoidable, but cosmetic gum surgery can certainly reverse some of the most dramatic effects, and that definitely includes recessed gums. Poor dental hygiene, on the other hand, is more controllable but its effects can also be treated once the damage has been done. Lax oral hygiene essentially allows bacteria that attack the gums and teeth to fester. Periodontal services can restore gums to their natural appearance while better hygiene habits can help prevent recurrences of maladies.

What Can Our Patients Expect During Gum Surgery?

As with any periodontal or dental surgery such as dental implants, patients can expect exceptional care from our entire staff. Dr. Soleymani is one of the most respected periodontists and implant specialists in Southern California and nationwide. He is a noted teacher in the fields at the finest dental programs in Los Angeles and his patients are typically thrilled with their outcomes.

Nervous About Treatment?

Gum contouring surgery typically requires only a local anesthesia but our office also offers IV sedation for patients who may be especially anxious. We want all our patients to feel as comfortable as possible throughout their entire experience, so for those who feel especially uneasy with periodontal treatments, full sedation may be an option.

Get Started

For more information on the services we offer at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, visit our contact page or call the number on your screen.

A Periodontist in Los Angeles Patients Trust

Finding a superb periodontist in Los Angeles is as easy as calling Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. Leading specialist Dr. Peiman Soleymani has been helping patients with their periodontal needs for over two decades, receiving many accolades along the way and earning a reputation as leader and innovator in the treatment of gums and teeth but also in relation to oral implants. If you are suffering from gum-related issues or are in need of a dental implant, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

We offer a wide variety of periodontal and implant services, including:

  • Treatment for periodontal disease
  • Osseous surgery
  • Crown lengthening procedures
  • Bone and soft tissue grafting
  • Laser gum surgery
  • Cosmetic dental surgery
  • Extractions
  • Ridge and sinus augmentation
  • Single implants (including emergency implants)
  • Implant bridges and dentures
  • All-on-Four dental implants

Why Choose Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center?

More than a top Beverly Hills dentist, Dr. Soleymani is one the most respected and accomplished oral health practitioners in Southern California, teaching at both the USC and UCLA dental schools. While it’s important to know that your gums and teeth are in skilled and highly knowledgeable hands, we know that there’s more to oral healthcare than an impressive resume. Our friendly and caring staff strives to provide a welcoming atmosphere at all times. We know that oral health matters tend to make many patients a little extra nervous and we do everything we can to put patients at ease.

If you are in need of periodontal care or dental implants, simply call our office at the number on your screen or visit our contact page. Our office is open from nine to five, Monday through Friday.

A Dental Implant in Los Angeles from an Oral Health Leader

Patients in need of a dental implant in Los Angeles who want to be treated by a leader in oral health care turn to Dr. Peiman Soleymani, a board-certified implant specialist and leading periodontist. Dr. Soleymani’s Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center has helped countless patients to obtain a bright smile and the clean and healthy gums we all need for oral and overall health.

Our Los Angeles dental implant center has a proven track record and looks forward to assisting you with all of your periodontal and dental prosthetic needs.

Types of Implants We Offer

Dr. Soleymani is proficient with several different implant procedures in addition to peripheral procedures that are commonly used in support of dental implants. For more complete information, we encourage you to contact our office and speak to one of our friendly staff members. However, the following list addresses some of our more common procedures:

  • Single Dental Implant — If a tooth is missing or in need of extraction, it is very important that that gap is filled as quickly as possible to avert complications. A single dental implant looks and feels essentially identical to a natural tooth and will not only restore lost function, it can serve as a potent tool in staving off bone loss in the jaw in addition to helping the patient avoid the social issues and eating difficulty that may be involved with having a missing tooth.
  • Tooth Extraction — There are several reasons it may be necessary to remove a tooth, very often including potentially serious oral health concerns (usually due to decay). Dr. Soleymani is well versed in pain management, so patients can rest assured knowing they are in skilled and compassionate hands. Once the extraction is finished and recovery is complete, it may be time to consider an implant.
  • Sinus or Ridge Augmentation — For some patients, getting a dental implant is not immediately possible because the underlying bone structure may be too unstable to support permanent implants. Augmentation procedures can improve bone density in these locations, typically making dental implants a viable course of action.

Get Started

If you are interested in obtaining a dental implant in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center is here to help. For more information visit our contact page or call the number on your screen.

What You Need to Know about Tooth Loss and Jawbone Health

If you are suffering from periodontal disease, Beverly Hills Periodontist and Dental Implants can help you get back to looking and feeling better once you have your teeth replaced with dental implants. Although many patients seek out dental implants in West Los Angeles to address the aesthetic problem they see in the mirror when looking at their teeth, like many things related to your health, missing teeth is a much more serious problem that what you can see with the naked eye. Underneath the surface, the consequences include the deterioration of the jawbone with the loss of teeth.

Whether your teeth come out as a result of periodontal disease or extraction, the problem that affects the jawbone is that there is less stimulation that the tooth once provided the supporting bone. This causes the jawbone to dissolve, in a process called resorption, and then it continues to dissolve at an exponentially quicker pace the longer the tooth or teeth are gone. This makes the jaw weaker, but also makes the person appear much older with a receded chin and lack of definition in the jawbone. Fortunately, with a periodontal team of experts such as Beverly Hills Periodontist and Dental Implants, modern technology can help turn back the clock so you look and feel the way you want to when you were younger.

Dental implants can help maintain bone health, and our periodontist in Santa Monica can help you achieve this goal, along with enhancing the aesthetics of your face. Call us today for a consultation, where we can discuss your dental needs and wants, and we can also give you a financing plan.

Periodontist Recommends Early Prevention in Los Angeles

Many have a genetic predisposition to periodontal disease or have ailments (such as diabetes or AIDS) or medications that can exacerbate problems with the gums. Nonetheless, Dr. Peiman Soleymani, periodontist in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, advocates prevention as the best method for gum disease treatment. The board certified periodontist recommends brushing twice a day in combination with flossing to thoroughly clean the mouth. Stopping the use of cigarettes and chewing tobacco as well can help those who are especially concerned about their oral hygiene.

Sometimes, the key to preventing periodontal disease is correcting inadequate dental work. Ill-fitting bridges or crowns, ruined fillings, and even crooked teeth are all risk factors for gum disease. Dr. Soleymani can solve many of these problems through cosmetic dental surgery and implantations. He’s provided dental implants to Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and all Los Angeles residents. His dental implants in Los Angeles not only correct aesthetic problems of the mouth; they also aid the prevention of future gum disease. Plus, Dr. Soleymani’s immediate temporization and immediate dental implants procedures allow for a fast, minimally invasive rejuvenation of the mouth.

If your periodontal disease has progressed past the point where prevention can help, then do not fret. Dr. Soleymani and his team are well-known for their laser treatments, bone grafting, osseous procedures, and gum grafting in Los Angeles that can alleviate your current periodontal woes and prevent future ones. Don’t hesitate to explore the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center website to learn more about these procedures and dental implants in Los Angeles. With additional questions, call 310-275-4606 or visit their online contact page.

Where Expertise Meets Comfort

In Los Angeles gum disease and other dental issues impact a great number of people. Yet for a great many of us, getting to the dentist’s office for a checkup or a much needed treatment is too often neglected. There are several reasons for this. One is financial, and the other has to do with dental anxiety, an all too common issue. Here at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, our highly experienced and skilled team is dedicated to providing high quality care that focuses on your comfort that is also competitively priced to reach as many families and individuals in need of care as possible. For these reasons and more, Dr. Peiman Soleymani is a preferred dental implant specialist and periodontist in Santa Monica, West Los Angeles, and Beverly Hills.

While many centers that practice dentistry can be a cold and uncomfortable experience for the patient, our team is dedicated to your comfort. Dr. Soleymani’s skill and experience allow him to perform highly advanced procedures for the gums and teeth with a level of precision that minimizes the chances of discomfort.

In addition to providing outstanding treatments, including the dental implants Beverly Hills residents may need and demand, we also pride ourselves on being able to provide warm and friendly care. At our facility, you’ll feel like an individual, and never a number on a chart. You’ll also enjoy a welcoming and cozy environment that is specifically designed to help you feel at home. As an expert on gum disease and numerous other issues, Dr. Soleymani has the resources and expertise to provide outstanding care at rates you can afford.

The Dental Implant Specialist Los Angeles Residents Trust

Living in the Greater Los Angeles Area can be demanding, but it’s even harder if you’re dealing with one or more missing teeth. Fortunately, Dr. Peiman Soleymani has made his name as the periodontist and dental implant specialist Los Angeles patients trust. Patients come to him for implants at his Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center because it’s clear that, when teeth are lost due to severe decay, illness, or an accident, implants are by far the best way to deal with the problem.

The cosmetic aspect of lost teeth can be pretty serious. It can make it difficult to find a job, or even keep one. It can also lead to social isolation and depression. However, it’s also a significant oral health problem. Missing teeth can lead to bone loss in the jaw and greatly increase the tendency of teeth to drift in the mouth, creating other dental issues. While dentures and bridgework are definitely better than no replacement at all, implants are the only intervention that can actually arrest the process of bone loss, and they have the added benefit of looking and acting just like real teeth. Los Angeles dental implants from Dr. Soleymani are the convenient, attractive, and healthy solution.

Of course, teeth are not the only important aspect of oral health; the gums they reside in are just as vital! So, apart from any missing teeth, if you’re dealing with bleeding gums, halitosis (bad breath), pain, or any other gum problems, Dr. Soleymani is a noted Los Angeles periodontist. He is here to develop a diagnosis and come up with treatment plan that will effectively deal with the problem.

Life is too short to let problems like tooth loss and gum disease go untreated. To get in touch with the expert oral health team at Beverly Hills Periodontic & Dental Center, please call the phone number above or reach out to us through our contact page.

Top Periodontal Services from a Beverly Hills Dentist

When it comes to dentistry, like in all fields of medicine and wellness, you want the best results possible. To receive those results, expertise and experience are the key for the best patient experience and superior care. Here at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, Dr. Soleymani and his entire team are dedicated to providing the very best treatment options available performed by a leading group of dental professionals which helps to make us a leading cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills. We provide our patients with the high quality, world class procedures they need in a wide range of dental procedures in order to best meet their demands.

Our range of treatment options include cosmetic dentistry to help our patients achieve bright, perfect smiles with procedures that include crown lengthening, whitening, veneers, and the high grade dental implants Santa Monica patients request. Not limited to these outstanding cosmetic procedures, our team also performs more complex operations when necessary including laser gum surgery, osseous surgery, and bone grafting. As a top periodontist in Los Angeles we utilize the most cutting edge equipment and technology to provide the best results possible. Through the use of techniques such as digital x-rays we can gain a much more accurate image while using less radiation than conventional radiographs for a better patient experience. In addition, with our dental laser therapy, we’re able to minimize pain or discomfort through very noninvasive technology. If you’re interested in experiencing what a difference receiving care from the highly trained and experienced team at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant center can make, we’re standing by to meet your needs.

The Dental Implant Center Los Angeles Patients Trust

Missing teeth is more than a problem when it comes to our appearance or when it comes to chewing our food properly. It’s a serious health concern, and that’s why the work of a periodontal and dental implant center in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills can literally be a lifesaver. Dr. Peiman Soleymani of Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center wants the public to be aware that missing teeth can be associated with some very serious systemic health issues, including bone loss, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

While dentures and bridgework are preferable to leaving missing teeth alone, and are helpful in a number of ways, only dental implants actually prevent systemic issues, including bone less which can lead to more lost teeth. To most patients, the most attractive aspects of obtaining dental implants in Los Angeles and elsewhere is that they look, feel, and function in pretty much exactly the same way as natural teeth. Fortunately, the body also treats them the same way, leading to a number of important benefits. Dr. Soleymani and his team have performed countless dental implant procedures on patients, who consistently report being delighted with the appearance and performance of their new teeth.

Of course, gum disease often precedes tooth loss, and one of the best ways to avoid losing teeth in the first place is to work with a Beverly Hills and Los Angeles periodontist who can treat such issues as gingivitis before they become severe. Dr. Soleymani has helped countless patients to restore the health of their teeth and gums and he is ready to help you. Whether you need to replace missing teeth or are concerned about your oral health, the best thing to do is to contact us today and schedule an appointment.

The Westside’s Answer to Periodontal Issues

Periodontal problems are both far more common and potentially far more serious than most people realize. As the leading periodontist Santa Monica and Beverly Hills residents have turned to since 2007, Dr. Peiman Soleymani of Beverly Hills Periodontics and Dental Implant Center has been noted for his high level of expertise as well as for his friendly and gentle approach. This applies both in his chosen specialization and as an outstanding all-around family dentist. It’s easy to see why his office has become the place for periodontal treatment and dental implants West Los Angeles trusts.

Your choice of the right practitioner to treat your teeth and gums can be crucial. For example, missing teeth are not just embarrassing eyesores; they can lead to bone loss and other complications. Moreover, periodontal issues are not just about halitosis (bad breath) and the threat of losing teeth. Intensive research has shown that gum disease can increase an individual’s risk of heart disease significantly, perhaps as a result of inflammation. In addition, periodontal issues have been associated with a long list of serious illnesses including respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and even cancer. People with gum disease also frequently suffer from diabetes, which is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney disease among many other issues.

In other words, periodontal problems are serious business and you want the finest care possible. Dr. Soleymani is one Los Angeles’ most respected and popular members of the dental profession and is also a respected educator in the field, having taught future dentists at both the UCLA and USC dental schools. He has helped countless Westside and Los Angeles area residents to have the healthy and attractive mouthy they deserve.

Whether you are in need of periodontal treatment, or would like to replace missing teeth using the dental implants Santa Monica and Westside residents desire for more attractive and healthier mouths, Dr. Soleymani and his outstanding dental team are here to help.

A Dental Implant Specialist Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Patients Trust

Dr. Peiman Soleymani has been building his reputation as the leading dental implant specialist Los Angeles and Beverly Hills patients turn to for one of the most important oral health care procedures they are ever likely to obtain. Why is an implant so important? Well, patients often tend to think of missing teeth as a matter than can be dealt with entirely through bridgework or dentures, but that’s not really the case. While it’s vital to have some kind of tooth replacement, simple prosthetics like dentures don’t do anything to deal with bone loss, an issue that can seriously compounds a patient’s dental problems and which can even change the facial structure.

Beverly Hills/Los Angeles dental implants from Dr. Soleymani look and act exactly like real teeth. While that offers obvious benefits in terms of convenience and cosmetics, the effects of implants go a lot deeper – both literally and figuratively. Since dental implants are actually fused with jawbone via a relatively minor oral surgery, they can almost be said to trick the bone into thinking they are real teeth and arrest the body’s excessive breakdown of bone tissue that leads to bone loss.

In additional to being known for the help he’s given patients with implants, the doctor is also a leading Los Angeles periodontist dealing with such issues as gum disease and periodontitis. Aside from such nasty symptoms as mouth pain, bleeding gums, and halitosis (bad breath), periodontal issues have been linked by researchers with such very serious systemic health problems as heart disease and diabetes.

Whether you’re looking for a skilled dental implant specialist to replace lost or severely compromised teeth, or want to care for your gums and keep the teeth you have, Dr. Soleymani and the entire team at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center are here for your oral health. To get started, call us at the phone number or reach out to through our contact page.

Dental Implants Santa Monica

Dr. Peiman Soleymani, certified by the American Board of Periodontology, leads the team at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. There, he’s served many happy patients as a dental implantologist and periodontist in Los Angeles. After an initial consultation or referral from a dentist, Dr. Soleymani can work with you on a path to aesthetically pleasing, permanent dental implants in Los Angeles.

Many flock to Dr. Soleymani for dental implants in Santa Monica due to his state-of-the-art methods and technology. He uses digital radiographs and 3D-CT scanning imagery to learn fully about a patient’s mouth before inserting dental implants in Santa Monica. Then, Dr. Soleymani’s advanced implantation technique can often be used for immediate dental implants, allowing a full mouth transformation in as little as one sitting. Finally, these processes and other types of gum disease treatment can be aided by cutting-edge laser therapy, frequently the preferred method of periodontal surgical treatment.

Furthermore, the diversity of services available at the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center truly runs the full gamut. Including bone grafting, osseous surgery, and gum grafting in Santa Monica, Dr. Soleymani can restore your teeth, gums, and dental osseous to a healthier and more beautiful standard. As a periodontist in Santa Monica, Dr. Soleymani can frankly and compassionately discuss your options for gum disease treatment.

For periodontal treatment or dental implants in Santa Monica or elsewhere in the Los Angeles area, please visit Dr. Soleymani’s contact page or call his office at 310-275-4606.

One-Day Implants

At Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, Dr. Peiman Soleymani and his expert team have provided the highest quality dental services to Los Angeles-area residents for years. Since our first day helping patients, we have provided expert dental services, using state-of-the-art technology and a friendly smile. Our skills and technology help us diagnose and treat a variety of dental ailments, from preventative cleanings to laser gum surgery in Los Angeles. Digital x-rays, high quality implants, and Dr. Soleymani’s skill as a periodontal surgeon help Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center provide the best possible care to each of our patients.

The field of dental implants continues to grow and change as technology improves, and today, replacement teeth look and feel just like real teeth. In some cases, our patients may find they need Los Angeles immediate implants due to an accident or injury. Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center has become the go-to office for advanced dental implant therapies such as immediate dental implants that look and feel like natural teeth. With our advanced technology, we are now able to replace teeth on the same day in some cases.

Each tooth is extracted conservatively with piezotome technology preserving the circumferential soft and hard tissue. A high quality dental implant is placed and restored on the same day with a highly esthetic provisional restoration. This way there is no need for a removable prosthesis and, in most cases, in four to six months a restorative dentist will replace the provisional with a permanent crown that matches the shade and shape of the adjacent teeth. Our dental implant services and team work with other offices in achieving the best results in Los Angeles are among the best.

Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center is here to help with one-day implants Los Angeles residents need, and long-term care that they trust.

How Dental Implants Can Boost Your Self-Confidence

Missing one or more teeth can have a significant effect on your life. It can hurt your communication skills by causing mumbling or inarticulateness. Eating can be uncomfortable because of the necessity of avoiding the missing teeth. It can also negatively impact your overall oral hygiene. But for many people the worst side effect of missing teeth is a blow to one’s self-confidence. When you have missing teeth you may be less likely to smile or feel comfortable talking around new people. Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center is committed to boosting the self-confidence of our patients through the intelligent use of the kind of dental implants Los Angeles area patients ask for.

For the assistance of the best periodontist Santa Monica and Westside residents, Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center offers a range of services. We are particularly known for our dental implants that are fused to the bone with titanium roots. These implants can last a lifetime, as long as proper care is taken.

The hard-working, talented staff has dedicated their careers to using the latest technology and most innovative techniques to give patients the best care possible. Not only do we offer the best options for dental implants in Beverly Hills, but other periodontal services like laser gum surgery, crown lengthening, soft tissue grafting, and disease prevention are offered.

For the finest in periodontal treatments, look no further than the services of Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. A dental implant can make you feel good about yourself again. Call us today to get started on the beautiful new teeth that will make you fall in love with your smile.

What Will Happen on Your First Visit?

For most patients, the first visit to our office is for a consultation. This consultation involves gathering information from you, reviewing the records sent by your dentist, examining your mouth, and discussing treatment and therapy options. A typical first visit lasts from 30 to 75 minutes. Before this appointment, you will be asked complete some paperwork. You’ll start by filling out forms providing us with your general medical and dental history, as well as information about your dental insurance coverage. You will be asked to read and acknowledge receipt of our privacy policies regarding your medical records and personal information, as well as our Disclosures Required by the Fair Credit Billing Act. Finally, you must read and sign a Consent for Use and Disclosure of Health Information form before we can begin to treat you.

Dr. Soleymani will review your medical history and dental records, and you will receive a complete oral examination. Our patients are generally referred to our office by their dentists for a specific reason, but a complete exam by Dr. Soleymani is necessary before any course of treatment can be recommended. After this examination, he will discuss with you the nature and extent of any periodontic issues and will recommend the appropriate treatment options.

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Expert Results Require a True Expert

According to the CDC, at least half of all American adults have some form of periodontal disease. While a lot of adults will assume that they have a healthy smile if they have white teeth, the gums and the teeth’s support system is an extremely important part of a person’s oral health, and only an experienced periodontist in Los Angeles can make sure that support system is in good shape. Dr. Peiman Soleymani of the Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center has been at the forefront of both practical and theoretical periodontology for years, teaching classes at the area’s top dentistry schools in addition to having his own successful practice.

In addition to being an expert on basic gum health, there is no one who is more knowledgeable about dental implants in Santa Monica than Dr. Soleymani. Although many general dentists advertise dental implant services, it takes the specialized training of a periodontist to ensure that all dental implant related procedures go smoothly and end up giving the patients lasting, beautiful results.

This ability to expertly navigate around the jaw’s natural support structure is one of the reasons why it is good to choose a periodontist as your family’s cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills. Your periodontal health is not something that should be trusted to a “one-size-fits-all” dental clinic that prioritizes diversity of services over quality of care. Whether you need one or multiple dental implants, an implant bridge, or a set of dentures, Dr. Soleymani and his highly-trained support staff will ensure that you have the best experience while achieving top-quality results.

Los Angeles Dental Implants That Do the Job

There are all sorts of reasons you may search for a dental implant specialist Los Angeles residents trust – maybe you have been referred by your general dentist for more extensive gum cleaning, or perhaps you have suffered bone loss under an infected area. You may even need an immediate dental implant after losing a tooth or struggling with ill-fitting dentures. The skilled team at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center, led by Dr. Soleymani, are here for you.

Look no further than Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center for your Los Angeles dental implants. As a leading periodontist in this beautiful city, Dr. Soleymani will examine your teeth and gums for signs of gum disease, bone loss, and other underling problems that keep you from having the healthiest mouth possible. We use the latest technology, like digital x-rays and dental laser therapy, to ensure you have high quality results with less pain and a shorter recovery period. Your initial visit will be an evaluation of your current dental health, and creating a plan to get your teeth and gums healthy. Then, we can help you build the healthy and attractive smile you’ve always wanted.

Whether you need a deep cleaning, a bone graft, or dental implants, the Los Angeles periodontist people trust is Dr. Soleymani at Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center. Contact us today for your first appointment – we look forward to helping you,

To get started now, please call us at the phone number above. You can also reach out to us through our contact page.

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